Upgrading the VPN


In an earlier post I had noted that I was using FreeSwan to create a VPN with a Checkpoint Firewall well I can heartly recommend the new OpenSwan as I upgraded and found this much easier to use. In other news I can say I really don’t like CVS at the moment and I am finding it a complete pain, but again this is all really boring techie stuff.

So for a break I recommend catching the new Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. As a film it has grown up almost as quickly as its leading stars and is all the better for new director Alfonso Cuarón’s touches. The Story at times was perhaps a little hard to follow, even for someone that has read the book, but that hardly matters as the pace and effects keeps following to fill in any holes. The actors perhaps wearnt as on form as the prequels but still provide much entertainment. Recommended.

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