I am back


Well, its been along time since the last post, since then I have been to Norway and back and had a great time. Got to see abit more of Norway as we borrowed a car and went for a trip to Hardangefjord, and stayed in a hotel in Lofthus with an amazing view.

I have uploaded the photos onto my photo share at: http://share.timc3.com/index.php?view=thumb&dir=norway so that you can see them.

The rest of the time as you can see was spent lazying by the sea and various lakes and eating with friends. I can completely recommend going to Norway if you get the chance.

In the meantime I have been back I have been getting back into the swing of things at work, got myself a Korg Electribe ER1 on ebay (probably more on that when I get the chance) and working on new versions of my Applications.

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