iPaq 3715


At work this week I got hold of one of the latest HP iPaq’s to come out, the rx3715 model. This was my first iPaq (I have had a Palm a while ago, but it still didn’t have the features I needed), so it was interesting to get involved with some technology that I didn’t have much experience with

The primary reason for getting it is to basically get myself organised, put in task lists, track projects and use a project management system and have wireless access to be able to get in to our systems in case of an emergency from anywhere

The rx3715 has alot more features for a multimedia system that perhaps at first glance I needed, being loaded with a 1.3M pixel camera, and being able to play music and videos, but it does have the advantage of being able to use bluetooth and wireless out of the box

Setting up wireless to the 802.11G capable Linksys Router was fairly painless after we set a static DNS address in the box, and bluetooth was even easier – in Windows XP I bridged the connection from my Lan to the bluetooth so my DHCP server was able to supply an IP to the iPaq. All in all very successful.

Sync’ing with Outlook 2003 was easy, and in seconds I had all my tasks and calender across, and dragging files fine.

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