Debian SCSI & IDE


Had a small problem the other day ( No such device or address while trying to open /dev/sda1 ) as I was building a new machine that had not only IDE harddisks but also SCSI disks. The system was giving me errors from fdisk whilst trying to get to /dev/sda1 and the reason being was that it didn’t have the modules loaded at the time.

Took the opportunity to install the latest kernel – 2.6.8 by downloading the source package from a debian apt source, then downloading fakeroot.

Basically I went through into /usr/src and did the following:

make-kpkg clean

make menuconfig

fakeroot make-kpkg –initrd –revision=customkernel.2.6.8 kernel_image

make-kpkg modules_image

cd ..

dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.8_customkernel.2.6.8_i386.deb

shutdown -r now

Its worth reading the docs that come with the Kernel package ( /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz ) and also the Debian documentation before you start compiling the Kernel.

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