American spam slowing; Europe, Asia taking over


Interesting article on the growth of spam in other countries, particularly Asia.

American spam slowing; Europe, Asia taking over: ”

American spam slowing; Europe, Asia taking over

4/21/2006 11:20:01 AM, by Anders Bylund

The most recent global spam study conducted by Sophos shows China closing in on the US when it comes to relaying spam, and the Asian markets together have put some distance between itself and former spam leader North America. In 2004, over half of all spam was sent through the US, but today, that number has dropped to just 23.1 percent according to the report. China relays 21.9 percent of the junk e-mail traffic, and South Korea rounds out the top three with 9.8 percent.

Asian spam adds up to 42.8 percent of the total, and North American runs neck-and-neck with Europe at 25.6 and 25 percent, respectively. A Sophos spokesman explains that the American drop in the rankings is due to the intensified efforts to find spammers within US borders and slap them with high fines. By contrast, some European countries such as Poland and Spain have seen their spam totals increase, presum”

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