A list of Google tools
Internet · Websites
So I was looking for a way of creating site maps and I came across a google tool that I didn’t know that had been created, namely Google Sitemaps.
This got me thinking, actually how many tools are there by google, and what do they all do. Google sitesmaps could do any number of things (check out the blog at http://sitemaps.blogspot.com/), and how does it compare to google analytics? So I came up with a list:
Google Earth. A download that provides mapping streamed from Google to your computer. It supports both Mac and PCs, but requires a fast internet connection and uses satellite images with maps to display the Earth in pseudo 3D form.
Gmail. The google mail service, with huge storage, google style searching all in a web interface which has become extremely popular thanks to its referral signup process.
Google Groups. Search and find information on Usenet with google powered search.
http://www.google.com – Allows users to search the web, usenet and the web for images.
Google Maps. AJAX powered maps of the US, and some of the rest of the world in differing detail. Satellite images can also be used and it provides an API so that third parties can integrate.
http://news.google.com/. An aggregated news viewer with google search integrated. The news can be personalized to your taste with news from all over the world.
Google Scholar. Keep abreast of new research, literature and papers with this Beta service.
Google Sitemaps – Experiment in web crawling where you define your site, upload a map and let google crawl it.
Google Talk A google online chat client which integrates nicely with gmail.
Google Video Upload and share your video, and offer it for sale straight from the webpage. Videos are automatically thumbnailed and can be keyworded.
http://toolbar.google.com/ A toolbar offering extra features to your web browser such as auto form filling, spell check, search and notification of unsafe sites.
Search inside books
http://desktop.google.com/ An application that runs on your desktop and indexs content such as files, emails so that you can quickly search and find information on your computer. It also integrates with google search so that you can search the internet and your computer at the same time.
http://directory.google.com/ A categorized directory of weblinks alot like the original yahoo site.
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/google blog site, where you can build your own blog and host it. Comes with many features and a well defined API for extension.
http://labs.google.com/ Googles own technology playground. All sorts of new and interesting bits are posted here.
http://www.google.com/notebook Google notebook, add notes and clipbook information while you are browsing the internet without leaving your browser with this browser extension.
http://www.google.com/coop Help others with finding information and create specialised search topics and subscribed links on specialised subjects.
http://www.google.com/trends Compare searches. i.e. Dogs vs Cats (looks like dogs are winning!).
And of courses there is:
Of course after putting together this list I find out that Wikipedia has an entry, in its own unique style, but I am going to update this in a while with information on each of those, I have used all of them. Then perhaps I will be looking at what Yahoo and Windows Live is doing…
Google SiteMaps about page: http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/about.html
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